Welcome To Your Community 

The focus of this site is to aid in helping individuals and families to prepare for emergencies but also our neighborhood community as a whole. In an emergency situation, once we have stabilized our own situations, if we are prepared, we will be able to move out into the community and help others.

The site gives up-to-date information on what might be best for individuals, couples and families who are beginning the road to being prepared. We will strive to offer Ward and Community information, classes and the best places to obtain supply items and support to preparefor / and respond to an emergency situation.

As individuals, we are all part of one family community, so let's help one another get prepared!




A house may stand for 100 years or be gone in a second. No one imagines they will be a disaster statistic, but we can help you prepare.

In a disaster, water becomes a critical point very quickly, especially with our young children, infants and elderly. It's important to know how to store it, how much you need and can carry.





Statistically, our health is the last thing on our mind when we are preparing for disasters but it is the first, crucial issue facing us in an emergency situation...



If ye are prepared you may fear but you will have what you need! Click here for fun with the family to prepare


Children Should be encouraged to click the button to the left and learn all they can about disaster prep. They may be trapped alone or with other kids and need to feel confident in their ability to take care of themselves. Children teaching children is the theme of the videos linked here, sponsored by FEMA.