Sheltering Options

Are you prepared to protect your family from the elements?
Are you equipped with what you need?
What if your child is at school when disaster strikes?
Read on to let us help you feel more prepared. 


Tents$800 for a tent is a lot of money. Of course it is, no matter what financial means you may have. However, when you consider you are purchasing a "home" away from home, it quickly brings it into perspective. It is important to consider having a tent such as this, ready in the event of disaster. When disaster strikes, it would be unlikely, if not impossible to find them. Tents purchased at Walmart are great for mild weather, but will not be adequate to protect your family during long-term displacement.


IF you aren't equipped with the items necessary to protect your family in the event of displacement, the American Red Cross is a great, very temporary, option for you.
Should the Peninsula suffer a large earthquake, the Red Cross will be unable to set up sheltering locations. Their ability to access the necessary supplies from outside of the area will be compromised by the damaged and closed corridors (roads and airports). A sheltering location could be set up locally, with the location to be announced.  Learn more about the red cross in the button ABOVE. 


Option 2-Drive-Away Tent

This option can be on its own, or used in conjunction with a Walmart tent for additional protection. The price savings may make it more workable for your family. If the elements are favorable and you don't need both, the second tent can be used as a triage tent for the ill or injuredOption 2-Drive-Away Tent

www.Amazon Drive Away sports SUV tent

What if disaster strikes while your child is at school?

Know the schools disaster plan. Help your child to be ready to shelter in place. What forms of communication are available to you in this scenario.For more information on steps you can take now to protect children during emergencies and disasters visit:

A simple vest with added pockets and inserts are great ways to achieve a wearable walk away 24 hour kit FOR HOME OR SCHOOL LOCKERS.  These are especially wonderful for small kids as you can zip them on and they can go! 


Tents long and short term

Examples of shelter can include forests, parks and public buildings that are open. Families should have adequate toteable sheltering options as part of their family plan.