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*The Bishop is the president of the Aaronic Priesthood in the ward. As part of this responsibility, he administers temporal matters such as welfare and finances in the ward (D&C 107:68). However at the Bishop’s discretion, the role of Incident Commander may be delegated to a Bishop’s Counselor, Elders Quorum President, or Elder’s Quorum President’s Counselor as an Incident Command is formed in response to a temporal emergency. The appointment of an Incident Commander and some / all of the other roles by the Bishop is in accordance with the his temporal duty of administering the Church Welfare Program.

**In a community-wide emergency or disaster, the Stake President may assist legitimate disaster relief agencies by allowing meetinghouses to be used as emergency shelters. The Church retains control. Stake and ward leaders ensure that people who use the buildings observe Church standards of conduct, including the Word of Wisdom, while they are in the buildings. (Church Handbook 2, Section 21.2.3)